Thursday, 19 March 2009

Pictures for a change!

So there haven't been any pics for a while - that's mainly becuase I haven't been able to set up a proper photography area in the studio yet. So, here are some pics, but taken with my mobile phone!!

These little studs were a bit of a faff to make, but have since had a light bulb moment with them and thought about a much easier way of making them! I've been using resin to fill them, so the colour possibilities are endless - and of course GLITTER! These will definitely become a permanent fixture in my online shops.

This ring was more of an experiment. I had some disk beads sent to me by the lovely Helen of Halo Beads. I've had a couple of ideas for using disk beads for a while, so am starting to create some of those ideas now. This is the first

It's really comfortable to wear - and I've been wearing it a lot! but because it's riveted on the inside, it's a bit time consuming, so not sure how many rings I'll make, but I do have other ideas - watch this space

I'm working at the studio tomorrow, so hopefully lots more pics soon

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